Activism Guide

Advice on arrest

Say "NO COMMENT" to all police questions during casual chats, 'booking in', and interviews. At the police station you may wish to give your name, address and date of birth to speed your release. For your protection and that of others, don't answer further questions.

Do NOT accept a CAUTION without advice from a recommended solicitor. This is an admission of responsibility and goes on the police national computer.

You have the right to FREE LEGAL ADVICE at the police station. Duty solicitors don't always have experience with protest law, instead ask the police to contact one of the following:

Kelly's: 01273 674 898 / 0800 387 463 (out of hours)

HJA (Hodge Jones and Allen): 0808 274 8226

You have the right to have someone informed of your arrest (make that the Protest Support Line unless otherwise arranged: 07946 541 511).

You have the right to an interpreter if English is not your first language.

If you are or appear under 18 an appropriate adult should be called.

Legal Questions about Protest

STOP AND SEARCH: You're not legally required to give your name and address under any stop and search power, see below website for more details. Legally you must be told the reason and the power that you are being searched under.

If you witness an arrest, want support or have legal questions about protest: 07946 541 511

Legal Observers are independent volunteers who gather evidence on behalf of protesters and act to counter police intimidation and misbehaviour. Read more about your rights and protest legislation:

After arrest &/or if you have a court date and want advice, email