About Us

Aims and Objectives

We aim to support and connect members of the LGBTQIA community through bi-monthly face to face meetings and digital channels. We are also keen to connect with other communities across Kent and the UK, to share resources and help each other. 

One of our objectives is the promotion of good mental health for all our members.

How to reach us

If you have any questions you can email the group, find us on social media, or join our mailing list. We promise not to fill your inbox with spam.


Our Beginnings

The group started in 2015 with huge thanks to Deacon Joy Everingham, who set up the group and created a safe space for us to meet and discuss our issues. She would tell you that she just turned up, and it was everyone in the group who brought their magic and made it special. 

In truth, she put a huge amount of effort into getting everything started, and we are honoured to keep it going and to help more people flourish. The Methodist Church have played a pivotal role in helping the community and getting us started. They are registered members of the Inclusive Church network.

She is no longer in Canterbury, but is welcome back with open arms whenever she's in the area.


Flag that says Trans Joy is Powerful, held by Joy Everingham

Who We Are

Gwen Protheroe

Gwen Protheroe

 (She / her)

Gwen, our Treasurer, joined the group in 2018, full of anxiety and questions at the start of her own journey. She found an indispensable resource full of good advice, words of wisdom and caution, experience, and friendship. 

She came out to family in 2019, then friends, then work colleagues. At each step, the support group were there for her, giving her strength and confidence. Over lockdown in 2020, Gwen started to get more involved, helping to host zoom meetings while we couldn't meet in person.

From then, with groups meeting in person again and Joy having to move away, Gwen has taken on the running of the group, setting up social media and this web site. She always tries to make time to listen and support everyone in the group.

Haley Holliday

 (She / her)

Haley, our Chair, joined the group in 2018, and has flourished with the group. 

"It has been a wonderful place to find out about what options are out here for trans folks to make a successful of their transition, what ever that means for them."

Reilyn Blue


Reilyn, our Secretary, who uses they/them pronouns and also goes by Blue, is a non-binary physics student who joined CTN in 2020. They have a love of inventing, science, D&D and many sports.

Ronan Wacey


Ronan joined Canterbury Trans Network as a member in 2023. He has been an activist and campaigner involved with the LGBTQ+ community in Canterbury since he moved here in 2018. As a trustee he will focus on fundraising and event planning. He really likes sharks.

"I love that it's a space that brings together trans people of all different experiences, ages, and transition goals. The sense of community here has been invaluable to my own journey."

Leanne Taylor

 (She / her)

Leanne, former trustee who helps us with admin, brings an unmatched sensitivity and kindness to the group. One of the OG members of the group, she returned after a couple of years away, finding the support of the group to be an invaluable emotional help. 

Leanne is involved with a variety of issues in relation to transgender rights and her working life brings her into contact with with social workers, mental health services, and lawyers to raise awareness and inform practice.

"It has been a wonderful place to find out about what options are out here for trans folks to make a success of their transition, what ever that means for them."